Post Tagged with: "Islamic Sharia law"

November 12, 2013 05:40

If You’re Anti-Jihad and White, That Makes You a Racist?

These are the academic motions and machinations of a nation preparing itself (particularly its young people) for suicide.

June 4, 2013 05:34

Obama/Holder Justice Department Threatens Free Speech, Punish Criticism of Islam

U.S. attorney Killian has generated outrage by vowing to use federal civil rights laws to punish those making critical comments about Islam.

February 14, 2013 10:04

Terrorist TV Lobbies for American Propaganda Channel

The Emir of Qatar, a multi-billionaire, runs a dictatorial regime that postures as America’s friend in the Middle East but which supports the Muslim Brotherhood and terrorist groups such as al Qaeda, Hamas and Hezbollah.

November 4, 2012 09:14

The Gender Gap No One is Talking About

We believe all American women are at risk by a second term Obama presidency.

October 1, 2012 06:55

Muslim Violence is Our New Law

[N]ow our utopian lawyer-kings, our armies of bleeding-heart social justice activist, our legions of bureaucrats stamping their papers over our skulls, our grinning black-robed activist judges wielding their gavels like swords, are cringing in terror before a Muslim mob.

September 4, 2012 06:35

Why Mosques Should Be Shut Down

Each of these mosques is currently conducting various types of jihadist attacks such as: propaganda jihad, immigration jihad, education jihad, media jihad, marriage jihad, lawsuit jihad, moderate Islam jihad, sharia jihad, bribery jihad, stealth jihad and all varieties of nefarious and clandestine means to sabotage and undermine our nation as required by the Koran. All this has been enabled under the guise of “moderate Islam”, the most effective psychological warfare infiltration ruse in history.

August 10, 2012 07:05

Andy McCarthy on Muslim Brotherhood Influence Operations in the US

Former Federal Prosecutor Andrew C. McCarthy, who prosecuted the case against “the Blind Sheikh,” Omar Abdul Rahman, speaks about the Brotherhood’s “influence operations” and the allegations made by five members of Congress that federal employees, including Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin, have ties to the group.

July 23, 2012 03:42

Obama’s Muslim Brotherhood Issues Raising Perplexing Questions

What shouldn’t get lost in all this are the policies of the Obama administration that have helped facilitate the ascendency of the Muslim Brotherhood, particularly in Egypt.

June 19, 2012 03:00

Trying to Drag the Middle East into the 21st Century

Islam and democracy do not mix. What the Egyptian and Iranian revolutions have in common is the support of many different factions that brought them about, but once Islamists are in power, Sharia law drags a nation back to the seventh century.

October 26, 2011 06:33

Islam makes inroads through U.S. courts

“Shariah law provides a legal framework for violence up to and including legalized murder against apostates (people who have left Islam), homosexuals, blasphemers and especially women accused of various crimes,” the study said.