Post Tagged with: "John Bolton"

November 24, 2010 06:10

Foreign relations fiascos

John Bolton on the Korean military conflict and the embarrassing revelation that the Afghan Taliban negotiator was a fraud.

November 19, 2010 08:13

‘Apalling’ comment from White House on terror trial – Bolton

Former Ambassador to the UN John Bolton on the administration’s spin about losing 283 of 284 counts against the terrorist in the civilian trial. “Sends a terrible signal of American weakness throughout the world to all the would be terrorists out there”

November 17, 2010 06:15

Obama Finally Names Nominee for U.N. Reform Post, But He Has No U.N. or Diplomatic Experience

The U.S. contributes 22 percent of the U.N.’s regular operating budget and 25 percent of the peacekeeping budget.

November 8, 2010 18:55

John Bolton says we should get out of the UN Human Rights Council

Bolton tells Stewart Varney what he thinks about the UN Human Rights Council review of America’s human rights issues based on Obama’s report.

September 21, 2010 04:46

UN corruption is costing US $5 billion a year

Former UN Ambassador John Bolton on UN waste and fraud. Corruption scandals include weapons trafficking, oil for food, sex scandals and bribery. The US funds 22-25% of the UN budget.

September 20, 2010 05:44

Obama’s U.N. Record

As with so much of the Obama administration, this U.N. thing isn’t turning out the way it was supposed to.

August 30, 2010 05:05

Both barrels from Bolton on Obama

“I’ve never attended any Tea Party functions,” he said. But, he added, if the movement is, as he understands it, “a true grassroots movement of people who are absolutely outraged at the extent that the Obama administration has bungled its economic policy, overspent dramatically, risked creating a deficit that will burden us for generations” than he thinks “it is pointed in exactly the right direction” and he is “all in favor of” it.

August 18, 2010 04:39

Bolton: Israel has just days to strike Iran

Former UN Ambassador John Bolton discusses the nuclear progress of Iran and the likelihood of an Israeli attack. “A huge victory for Iran”

July 22, 2010 06:31

BOLTON & WILLIAMSON: States of contention over immigration

Arizona stands tall on the border while Foggy Bottom wilts

July 12, 2010 02:05

Obama’s Afghan plan will fail

With a political commitment to withdraw that takes precedent over US strategic objectives, Obama has given up any hope of destroying the Taliban and al-Qaeda and their influence in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Nation building is not the objective.