Post Tagged with: "liberal media"

August 21, 2012 05:14

Media Ignores Obama’s Positions on Late Abortions and Sex Selection Abortion

Obama supports allowing legal abortion “even when used for sex selection,” or … “even up to the point of birth” in the nation’s capital.

August 6, 2012 03:55

Anderson Cooper Crosses the Line – Joins Thought Police

For an avowedly gay man, Anderson Cooper is rooting for the wrong team. If the Islamists have their way here, he will not simply be on the wrong side of the line. He’ll be toast.

July 23, 2012 05:08

Allen West: It’s going to be a dog fight

West’s fiery speech slams the”liberal media” for hiding Obama’s dismal record. “This is going to be a dogfight for your country” “Don’t be afraid to talk to your family and friends.” “Make it personal.”

June 26, 2012 07:25

Libs escape to delusional world in “The Newsroom”

HBO, which has invested big in liberal propaganda, knows exactly what it’s doing. At a time when customers are dropping cable, particularly the high-priced packages, it is insulating itself with a built-in audience. … liberal audiences can go on safe safaris to see experienced liberal great hunters taking potshots at imaginary Republicans.

June 22, 2012 06:17

Media Spiking Catholic Lawsuit to Prop Up Obama

ABC, CBS, and NBC don’t judge news events by their inherent importance as relates to the future of our freedoms. They deliver the news according to a simple formula: Does it, or doesn’t it, advance the re-election of Barack Obama?

May 31, 2012 06:52

Media Obsess About Trump to Avoid Obama Economy

The media’s use of the “birther” issue is really a smokescreen to cover up a number of issues that have nothing to do with the authenticity of Obama’s birth certificate or the place where he was born.

May 25, 2012 08:49

Obama’s media hiding historic Catholic lawsuit against Obamacare

The leftist biased media remains silent on the historic lawsuit by 43 Catholic institutions against Obama administration’s war on religious freedom. Cardinal Dolan speaks out about the lack of cooperation with the Obama administration.

May 11, 2012 12:35

‘Spooky Dude’ Soros to give $100 million to Obama media groups

Soros is a major donor to the Democratic Party and to progressive causes and foundations. This week he announced he will be donating $100 million to support progressive groups this cycle. One of the first million-dollar donations will go to American Bridge, an oppo-research PAC set up by Media Matters founder David Brock. – Breitbart’s Big Journalism

April 27, 2012 04:01

53 seconds that should end a presidency

Obamamedia drools over the “cool” pres jamming the news with Jimmy Fallon but seems to ignore his history of gaffes, bumbles and just plain stupid.

April 26, 2012 07:31

Will the Media Carry Obama to Victory in November?

“reporters who write tough stories are hit pretty hard by insiders in the administration. Therefore, they run the risk of being cut off. This is an administration that knows very well how to work the press, and reward those who they like by giving them leaks and inside information—naturally, spun the way they want it to be spun in hopes of getting out the story out that they want to get out.”