The American people are entitled to know who is shaping the policies that are increasingly empowering, enriching and emboldening the Muslim Brotherhood – an organization sworn to our destruction. Under no circumstances should legitimate and well-grounded congressional requests for formal investigations be deflected, let alone suppressed.
Post Tagged with: "Michele Bachmann"
Michele Bachmann joins Allen West at law group that fights Islamification of America
Bachmann stated, “I am pleased to join forces with the Thomas More Law Center. They are in the courts aggressively fighting the internal threat to America posed by radical Islam.”
America’s ‘Iron Lady’
Fortunately, it turns out that, as we confront our time’s most imminent threat to freedom, we have found America’s Iron Lady: Congresswoman Michele Bachmann of Minnesota. Her Thatcheresque qualities are evident in the fearless and visionary leadership she is providing in opposing shariah’s most formidable champions, the Muslim Brotherhood.
Obama’s Muslim Brotherhood Issues Raising Perplexing Questions
What shouldn’t get lost in all this are the policies of the Obama administration that have helped facilitate the ascendency of the Muslim Brotherhood, particularly in Egypt.
Record Debt Increase Under Obama Attacked by Bold Ryan Plan
Michele Bachmann on Fox News’ Your World with Neil Cavuto discusses the federal budget and Ryan’s plan to restore fiscal sanity. In Obama’s first three years the debt has increased almost $5 TRILLION which is more than the increase from eight years of Bush.
Michele Bachmann – Obamacare is a “nightmare for womens health”
Rep. Bachmann points out that the Fluke controversy was orchestrated as cover for what turned out to be a political disaster for Obama when Obamacare dictator Kathleen Sebelius ordered that Catholic hospitals and schools would have to provide sterilization and abortion pills for free in their healthcare insurance plans.
Bachmann on Obama’s Foreign Policy Failures
Michele Bachmann at CPAC 2012 spoke of foreign policy failures of the President. She talked of his ties to the Muslim Brotherhood which is an enemy of America.
Bachmann suspends campaign!! – an inspiring goodbye
Who will get her 5%? “I am not motivated is this quest by vain glory…. I ran as the next stepping stone… The implementation of Obamacare will represent a turning point. ..Will future generations ask of us what did we do, what did we give to insure the survival of this Republic.” “I will continue to fight to defeat the president’s agenda of socialism.”
Bachmann reminds voters who the real problem is
Public enemy number one is Barack Hussein Obama. The GOP field need to remember that. Candidates have lost in the polls as they turned on each other and fell prey to the media driven infighting. Focus on the real problem, the radical leftist policies of Obama that are crippling our economy and bankrupting this and future generations.
Bachmann – Obama has turned terrorist interrogations over to the ACLU
The Obama administration even removes the language about terrorists.