Post Tagged with: "Mitt Romney"

October 31, 2012 10:26

Will Benghazigate Derail Campaigner-in-Chief?

Corrupt coverup or gross incompetence? Either way Obama has shown that he cares more about campaigning than commanding. Obama called on the Navy Seals to get Bin-Laden but left them hanging when the Seals called for help. Hoof in mouth Biden leaked that it was Seal Team Six that got Bin-Laden and then Al-Qaeda killed Seal Team Six. Obama is the first president to create more excuses than jobs. Can we stand four more years of national suicide?

October 31, 2012 10:22

Krauthammer: Bloomberg Blows Off Obama and New Jersey

Rebuffing Obama’s campaign storm efforts, Mayor “Nanny” Bloomberg tells Obama to just go to New Jersey. Will Bloomberg lift the ban on sugary sodas in this emergency? The storm shows how petty the leftist micro-managing of life is in the face of real world events.

October 31, 2012 06:27

Obama Campaign Paper WaPo Plays Race Card in Desperation

The Post is worried. Its strategy is to accuse whites of racism for opposing Obama’s second term.

October 31, 2012 05:03

Obama Campaign Uses Communist Tactics in New Ads

The ad takes me back to the communist indoctrination I suffered under the communist regime when the absolute ruler, Ceausescu, and his wife, Elena, forced us to sing in school praises to them as our real father and mother. Our biological parents, we were told, were stupid and needed re-education.

October 30, 2012 12:09

Things to Evade by Supporting Obama

If you accept all these implied (and sometimes explicitly stated) premises uncritically, you’re good to go in voting for Obama.

October 30, 2012 10:19

Obama’s Perfect Storms

Perhaps more importantly for Team Obama, many voters are going to have many other things on their minds for the next few, critical days instead of thinking about the evidence that their Commander-in-Chief was seriously derelict regarding the murderous attack in Benghazi.

October 30, 2012 09:23

Put the heat on Benghazi lies!

We are asking everyone to take a few minutes out of each day this week to address a critical issue. PLEASE send this request to everyone you know. And send a follow up mid-week.

October 30, 2012 06:40

Higher Taxes on the Rich Are a Precursor to Higher Taxes on the Rest of Us

Honest leftists are beginning to admit that their real target is the middle class.

October 30, 2012 05:37

Radicalized Supreme Court Worst Result of Obama 2nd Term?

The justices of the future will decide our nation’s course on abortion, affirmative action, civil liberties and gay rights, not to mention big-ticket policy items such as health care. Our Founding Fathers never imagined such a role for the court, but for better or worse, it is here to stay. Vote your conscience this time around, but for heaven’s sake, vote on the Supreme Court. It’s going to matter. – Bloomberg

October 29, 2012 14:20

Has Obama Already Bankrupted America?

Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.” – Senator Barack Obama when the debt was “only” about $10 trillion.