Post Tagged with: "Muslim terrorists"

September 24, 2013 05:38

Did Obama’s Muslim Favoring Foreign Policy Cause Benghazi?

It could also partially explain the administration’s eagerness to falsely blame the attack on a YouTube video that Muslims found offensive, rather than acknowledge poor security conditions and a growing al-Qaeda movement in the region. After all, the President believes that core al Qaeda is on the run.

May 10, 2013 06:06

Three Benghazigate Women

Wednesday the House Oversight Committee sought the truth about the Benghazigate scandal. Three women stand out.

February 8, 2013 05:31

Al Jazeera and the Global Jihad in America

Al Jazeera is the voice of the Muslim Brotherhood and the various terrorist groups it has spawned, including al Qaeda and Hamas.

September 21, 2012 07:03

Why Are They Lying About Terrorism to Protect Obama?

Obama has been beating his breasts about bin Laden’s death, in order to prove he can manage foreign policy. Since the economy is in the tank, this has been Obama’s only real hope of winning a second term. Polls have given him a significant edge over Romney in foreign policy expertise. All of this is now at risk.

September 21, 2012 05:55

Enough is Enough: Open Letter from a Former Muslim

Every time Muslim extremists raise their hands with impunity to lynch someone over claims of “blasphemy,” every time they begin murderous riots because someone has “insulted” their prophet or religion by speaking the truth, they show the true face of Islam and prove the very claims they try to silence.

September 20, 2012 06:45

Muslim Influence in Pentagon Prevails

The Pentagon has still apparently not learned from the politically correct policies that led to the Ft. Hood massacre.

September 12, 2012 08:32

Better Than They Are

So what if they burn American flags. So what if they burned 3,000 people, the ones who didn’t jump or kill themselves some other way. So what if their great ambition in life is to climb over all our walls and kill most of us and enslave the rest because the Koran, that most holy book which unlike New Yorkers must not be burned, tells them to do it. So what?

September 11, 2012 18:35

Krauthammer: Tell Egyptian mob “go to hell”

Muslim mobs have attacked the American embassy in Cairo and in Libya. Reports are an American was killed in Libya. Supposedly upset by an internet video originating in the US the mobs have burned the American flag and stormed the walls of the embassy. The state department has issued a wishy washy statement apologizing for free speech in the US. I don’t ever remember them apologizing for any denigration of the Christian faith. Fox News reports mobs are continuing to grow.

Recently the anti-American Muslim Brotherhood came to power in Egypt in what was hoped would be an “Arab Spring” with a surge of Democracy. The Arab Spring has turned into a Muslim Brotherhood nightmare as radicals take over in Egypt, Libya and soon in Syria.

August 24, 2012 05:56

On NOT Understanding Muslims

So the West looks on in horror at the beheadings, the hangings, the bombings, the increasing killing of Christians trapped in these nations, and does its best not to be dragged into the vortex of insanity that is the Middle East and parts of Africa.

July 3, 2012 06:05

Eighteen Confirmed Dead in Twin Church Attacks in Kenya

At least 18 people have died while 66 have been wounded in Kenya’s north-eastern town of Garissa on Sunday when assailants burst into the Africa Inland Church (AIC) and Catholic Church, shooting at worshipers with firearms and detonating grenades.