Post Tagged with: "national debt"

January 12, 2011 09:42

10 Things That Would Be Different If The Federal Reserve Had Never Been Created

The U.S. government has given the power of money creation over to a consortium of international private bankers. Every single year, hundreds of billions of dollars in profits are made lending money to the U.S. government.

January 7, 2011 06:03

Debt and Ruin or American Exceptionalism – the stark choice America faces

The stark choice between the path we are on – “Debt Ruin” – and the better way of “American Exceptionalism.” Ryan describes this choice clearly and effectively.

January 4, 2011 06:32

National debt tops $14 TRILLION and rising FAST!

Like being on the tilting deck of the Titanic we cling to the hope that everything will be alright while the band plays on. How will you repay your share? The debt continues to grow at over $4 billion per DAY!

December 23, 2010 09:25

Government Waste: 20 Of The Craziest Things That The U.S. Government Is Spending Money On

It is almost as if some sort of collective insanity has overtaken most Americans. The path we are on inevitably leads to national bankruptcy and the destruction of our financial system, but only a small percentage of the population seems to care.

December 7, 2010 06:42

GOP loses the first round

Fearing to be labeled as Scrooges for not extending unemployment benefits at Christmas the GOP caved on more spending to get the Bush tax cuts extended.

November 22, 2010 03:50

Thanks for Nothing

We must redouble our efforts to turn back the tide. We must limit the government before the government limits us.

November 7, 2010 16:35

My Name’s America and I’m a Debt-a-holic

We’re sacrificing our children at the altar of our own desires. It’s time to admit that being generous with other people’s money isn’t generosity, its theft. It’s also time to realize that if everyone demands what they want no one will get what they need.

October 23, 2010 09:32

Is this our future?

This new ad is part of an ongoing communications program in CAGW’s decades-long fight against wasteful government spending, increased taxes, out-of-control deficit spending, and a crippling national debt that threatens the future and survival of our country.

October 19, 2010 06:40

Obama borrowing tops $3 TRILLION

Since Obama took office his spending for bailouts, union payoffs, vote buying and spreading the wealth has increased the national debt over $4.77 BILLION PER DAY to hit a total of $3,039,049,594,342.88 at the end of October 15th.

September 16, 2010 16:27

We have to reclaim the country – Paul Ryan

We are giving the next generation crushing tax rates and a burden of debt that they cannot sustain themselves. The government will have to take double out of every dollar earned by our children just to pay for this government.