Post Tagged with: "oil production"

June 24, 2013 07:45

If For-Profit Oil is Evil, What’s the Alternative?

You can keep your heads in the sand only so long before the growing effects of such idiotic policies come home to you.

February 7, 2013 05:26

Obama has forgotten all about your pain at the pump!

We would really be in trouble if US GDP was over 2%! How about if unemployment was below 7% or banks were actually lending to small businesses?

January 28, 2013 07:53

Radical Enviromentalists Step Up Attack on Keystone Pipeline, Jobs, Oil

We cannot afford to turn our backs on this – especially with 23 million Americans unemployed or underemployed, 47 million on food stamps, 128 million dependent on various government programs, and the nation $16 trillion in debt. This is unsustainable, and driving the USA toward Greece and Europe.

January 7, 2013 12:07

The New Robber Barons and Their Thief in Chief

The new robber barons in the Executive Branch and Congress are not content only with taxing job creators and saddling our children and great grandchildren with trillion-dollar IOUs. They are using hard-earned tax money to finance wind, solar, biofuel and other schemes that primarily reward crony capitalist campaign contributors.

December 4, 2012 06:47

Oil Glut to Push Prices Down

Right now the world produces more Oil than it consumes each day, and it has for the past 16 months, this trend will only get worse in 2013. So expect prices to finally start to address this over supply issue in the Oil Markets in 2013.

September 27, 2012 08:04

Gas prices, money printing and politics

The likely eventual consequence of this unlimited money printing operation – Dollar debase and the artificial price inflation of almost everything from commodities (including Oil and Gasoline) to stocks, and consumers end up paying the price.

September 19, 2012 05:48

Ocean of Oil and the Great Oil Conspiracy

“Eliminating the fear that the world is running out of oil eliminates an urgency to experiment with or to implement alternative fuels including biofuels, wind energy, and solar energy as long as these energies remain less energy-efficient, less reliable, and more costly than using oil and natural gas.”

September 17, 2012 07:21

Obama’s high gas price policies ignored by Obamedia

The media is “in the tank ” for Obama. Administration policies are directly responsible for our continued dependence on terrorist supporting Middle East oil. Blocking the Keystone pipeline, limiting oil exploration on federal lands and offshore, using the EPA to attack the oil industry, kill the coal industry and stop new technology in oil and gas production in the US, Obama pushes up oil, gas and electric rates as he promised. More …

September 14, 2012 06:23

Drill Baby Drill Creates Economic Miracle

Oil production in North Dakota continues to make it the most economically successful state in America, with record levels of employment and income growth, the lowest state jobless rate in the country, a state budget surplus of $1 billion, the lowest home foreclosure rate in the country, strong housing and construction markets, and jobless rates in ten of the state’s counties below 2.0%.

September 11, 2012 05:26

You Lie! Interior Secretary Salazar Tells Energy Whoppers at Convention

Salazar claimed that Obama energy policies were responsible for reduced oil imports, for record natural gas production, for American auto manufacturers making cars that ‘Americans want to buy,’ and for creating hundreds of thousands of jobs in the renewable sector. But the facts are not on Secretary Salazar’s side.