Post Tagged with: "Rep. Giffords"

March 1, 2011 06:10

First Person: Giffords Aide Recounts Shootings

Seven weeks after a gunman opened fire during Congresswoman Giffords’ meet-and-greet in Tucson, Arizona, Ron Barber, a shooting survivor, opens up about the physical and emotional road to recovery. (March 1)

January 12, 2011 05:28

A non violent appeal to the radical left

the faux anger at the right, the false cries of violent rhetoric don’t fool anyone except the blind guides of the left who see their false hope of tyrannical power slipping from their grasp.

January 10, 2011 07:26

Leftist Daily Kos ‘targeted’ Rep. Giffords with ‘bulls eye’ in 2008

In a post about ‘bad’ Democrats the Daily Kos used the supposedly violent inciting language over a year before the Palin post that is being blamed on the right.