Post Tagged with: "Ronald Reagan"

November 12, 2013 07:00

Why Don’t We Hear More About World Freedom Day?

Ronald Reagan’s statement that, “freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction,” is clearly a call to action.

October 2, 2013 13:54

Why Obama is Soooo Fanatical About Obamacare

In 1961 Reagan warned America about the dangers of Obamacare. His fear has come to pass with takeover of the health care industry by the radical socialist Democrats. Socialized medicine, also known as universal healthcare or single payer has always been the goal of Obama and the socialist/progressive Dems.

April 22, 2013 06:04

Progressives’ Redistribution Tax Turns 100

Reagan often noted that Karl Marx, in his “Communist Manifesto” (1848), demanded a permanent “heavy progressive or graduated income tax.” Indeed, it’s point 2 in Marx’s 10-point program, second only to his call for “abolition of property.”

August 27, 2012 05:47

Grand Old Party: 1854 to 2012

The 2008 financial crisis was the direct result of the absurd Democratic Party promise that all Americans would be able to own their own home and the machinery of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, bundling dubious mortgages as “assets” facilitated the failures of major banks, investment firms, and a huge insurance company. The American taxpayer had to bail them out, a punishment of sorts for believing all those Democrat lies.

July 3, 2012 08:39

Reagan warned about the dangers of Obamacare

In 1961 Reagan warned America about the dangers of Obamacare. His fear has come to pass with takeover of the health care industry by the radical socialist Democrats. Socialized medicine, also known as universal healthcare or single payer has always been the goal of Obama and the radical Dems.

April 12, 2012 08:20

The real ‘Reagan Rule’

The real Reagan rule recognized that because people spend time at work that they could otherwise spend doing something else, taxes are a claim on a portion of a person’s life. On this basis, the goal of lawmakers should be to keep government as small as possible so that individuals can keep as much of their money as possible. – Washington Examiner

March 5, 2012 07:24

Hope vs. Despair: The Discussion is Coming

Rather than creating hope, secular progressives create despair. And I believe rank-and-file progressives are getting wise to this.

February 22, 2012 10:28

Satan and Santorum: Perspective from Reagan’s Evil Empire Speech

Santorum’s statement came 25 years after another much-maligned social conservative, Ronald Reagan, delivered a similarly fiery speech in Florida in 1983. In both cases, the secular left recoiled in horror, mortified that any American other than Barack Obama or Jimmy Carter might dare remark on matters of faith and state, of the temporal and eternal.

February 2, 2012 14:50

Insuring Religious Liberty: Obama Care, Ronald Reagan, and the Crisis of Conscience in America Today

Back in 1961 then actor and General Electric spokesman, Ronald Reagan, warned America: “One of the traditional ways of imposing statism or socialism on a people has been by way of medicine…” Reagan went on to describe how a secularist government would use national health care to advance other leftist agendas.

January 27, 2012 07:59

Michael Reagan: Gingrich is the Reagan Conservative

Son of President Ronald Reagan and conservative talk show host Michael Reagan calls Gingrich the Reagan conservative in the race and Romney the Rockefeller Republican. Michael also points out that Ronald Reagan often fought his own people to get things done and that Gingrich was responsible for the GOP majority. The fight for the soul of the GOP has been going on for years. It’s time it became the Guardians of the People not the Rockefellers.