Post Tagged with: "Ronald Reagan"

September 22, 2010 05:20

Tea Party Jolts the GOP, Much as Ronald Reagan Did

Exactly three decades ago, Ronald Reagan stormed to an election victory, and in the process reshaped the Republican Party. In came waves of Southerners and Midwest social conservatives who previously called themselves Democrats, and out went many Northeastern moderates and social liberals who suddenly felt out of place.

September 9, 2010 07:07

Let us renew our determination, our courage and our strength – Reagan

In the words of Ronald Reagan – What are conservative values?

August 30, 2010 11:25

Yes we can – without the government – Ronald Reagan

Ronald Reagan reminds us that we can do it if the government will get out of the way. Its time to take our government back from the Marxist elites.

August 28, 2010 18:28

Resurrection of conservatism – the liberal’s nightmare

Perhaps this time will be different. Our holiday from history is over. The country faces threats—crippling government expansion at home and transnational Islamic extremism—that arouse conservative instincts and concentrate the conservative mind.

August 24, 2010 06:41

Barack Obama’s No Ronald Reagan

The former president stimulated the economy by cutting taxes; Obama has done the opposite.

August 19, 2010 07:17

Can Reagan be recycled?

FBN’s David Asman breaks down how the ‘Great Communicator’ is taking a bite out of today’s big government.

August 17, 2010 04:21

Ronald Reagan’s words more relevant than ever

This video mix of Ronald Reagan and current politicians shows how prescient Reagan really was and how his warnings are coming true today.

July 13, 2010 09:01

Deja Vu all over again – Reagan warned us

Just substitute today’s vastly worse numbers of debt and depreciated money. Never has the choice been more critical. Wake up your friends, family and neighbors. Our very freedom, what we have left of it, is in peril.

July 12, 2010 04:23

Republicans should embrace Paul Ryan’s Road Map

For Republicans, the Road Map authored by congressman Paul Ryan of Wisconsin is the most important proposal in domestic policy since Ronald Reagan embraced supply side economics in the 1980 presidential campaign.

June 15, 2010 08:04

The Original Mr. Anti-Establishment: Ronald Reagan

They didn’t like him. To be more precise, they thought him an extremist, un-electable, an ultra-right wing nut, dumb, ignorant and, more to the point, not one of their crowd.