Post Tagged with: "Senator"

May 6, 2010 04:27

U.S. taxpayers are helping finance Greek bailout

by Sen. Jim DeMint
G-20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors asked the United States, the IMF’s largest contributor, for a whopping $108 billion to rescue bankers around the world and the Obama Administration quickly obliged. The Democrat Congress, aided by a few Republicans, used a war spending bill to send bailout money to an international fund that’s partially-controlled by our enemies.

March 17, 2010 07:31

First Ever Recall Effort of a U.S. Senator Cleared by N.J. Court

A Tea Party group in New Jersey has won the first round in its effort to recall a U.S. Senator — Democrat Robert Menendez.

February 4, 2010 05:21

Union labor to trump cost on govt projects

In another underhanded move to pay off union supporters, the Obama administration is going to allow ‘preference’ to contractors and suppliers that match union benefits and wages. The “High Road Contracting Policy” would allow companies to win federal bids without being the low bidder if they are union or match all union benefits and labor rules.

October 28, 2009 11:55

Recall Congress Now

Based on these U.S. constitutional mandates, the people in any state may well have the right to recall a U.S. Senator or Representative.

Through, The American Civil Rights Union seeks to empower Americans who are dissatisfied with congressional actions being undertaken on their behalf.