Post Tagged with: "socialist policies"

April 8, 2010 18:18

As we said all along: Obamacare was mainly aimed at redistributing wealth

Health reform is “an income shift,” Democratic Sen. Max Baucus said on March 25. “It is a shift, a leveling, to help lower income, middle income Americans.”

April 7, 2010 20:16

How Many Members Of The U.S. Congress Are Self-Declared Socialists?

Some answers to why we are not following the constitution. A list of self proclaimed socialists in the US congress.

April 7, 2010 08:46

Why isn’t the US hearing the ‘social state’ message?

Matthews: Obama & Left Wing Bloggers Are Failing To Sell Socialism

March 31, 2010 04:52

Apple Boycotts Glenn Beck — Promotes racist hatemonger and murderer Che Guevara

In a truly Orwellian instance of doublespeak, Apple shuns the truth and promotes a racist hatemonger and murderer who would have nuked New York if he had had nukes.

March 29, 2010 06:24

Beck vs. Wallis – Understanding a high-profile fight about ‘social justice’

Did Communists and Nazis flip “social justice” into a promotion of government power? Yes. Communist Party USA leaders instructed me in 1972 and 1973 to use those words.

March 29, 2010 06:08

Wave of Protests in Miami Signal Frustration Inside Cuba

Tens of thousands of people have marched in Miami to protest a recent crackdown in Cuba against dissident groups on the island. Cuban-Americans say there is a rising tide of resentment against the Cuban regime and the failure of promised reforms.

March 26, 2010 21:10

Obama has proven so far that in fact one can fool a lot of the people a lot of the time.

Connect the dots of Obama’s first year in office, and an ugly picture emerges.

March 26, 2010 05:29

Time for Government takeover of radio stations like Venezuela?

“If we’re gonna be socialists lets be socialists all across the board” MSNBC libtalker Ed Schultz tells radio listeners he believes the next “socialist” takeover by the government should be on all the radio airwaves.

March 26, 2010 03:59

Social justice, economic justice, environmental justice – all code words for Marxism

‘Social justice’, ‘economic justice’ and ‘environmental justice’ explained in liberalese.