Post Tagged with: "Solyndra White house ties"

October 4, 2011 18:00

Obama – No Regrets on Solyndra

Flush half a billion down the green drain for big campaign contributors and call it keeping up with China? Even when staffers warned Solyndra would fail the loan was pushed through anyway. We would get more “green” energy by burning the money. This man should go to jail. There is eight billion more out there and much of it going to Dem contributors.

September 28, 2011 07:12

Geithner’s Whorehouse Bank

The deception and corruptness of our Federal Government slowly is being revealed. The facade of government is erected on such rottenness of favoritism and crony deals:

September 21, 2011 19:12

Obama & Solyndra: MAKIN’ IT RAIN – with your money

The Obama Solyndra scandal in six minutes. Almost as fast as he spends half a billion dollars on “green” jobs that end in a year.

September 19, 2011 16:22

Ex-Solyndra Employees Now Applying For Trade Adjustment Assistance

Blaming China will allow Obama administration to spend another $14 million plus to “retrain” former Solyndra employees.

September 19, 2011 15:31

Patented Obama Foot Shooter with Speed Loader

Cartoon of the week from

September 19, 2011 07:51

Solyndra Solar Failed By Poor Cost Structure, Not China

The DOE and Solyndra also conveniently neglected to mention Solyndra’s demise has everything to do with its unsustainable cost structure using an ‘innovative technology’ to produce solar panels. (Hint: innovative = costly)

September 19, 2011 07:24

Krauthammer: Obama’s “toxic combination of lemon socialism and crony capitalism’

“This is a classic example of this toxic combination of lemon socialism and crony capitalism. The lemon socialism part is the old story of industrial policy. Meaning smart people in Washington, or people who think they’re smart, elected officials and bureaucrats, and they bring in experts who think they’re even smarter, that decide which are the industries of the future as if they know and the market doesn’t.” …. “you destroy an economy when you think that a politician in a centralized capitol knows where capital ought to be allocated. “

September 19, 2011 05:32

Pay To Play? – Its the Chicago way

Kaiser Family Foundation 2009 grant to Michelle Obama’s ‘Urban Health Initiative’ sparks more Solyndra ‘crony capitalism’ questions – Daily Caller

September 17, 2011 10:42

Palin: Crony Capitalism on Steroids from GE to Solyndra

Obama has his sights set on raising $1 billion for his reelection campaign. Raising that money won’t be easy. But if you can hand out other people’s money to friends, it must get a whole lot easier.

September 15, 2011 10:05

Obama reversed Solyndra loan denial – bailed out big contributor

Rep. Tim Murphy exposes the pay to play deal that protected Tulsa billionaire and Obama fundraiser George Kaiser which cost taxpayers half a billion. Team Obama reversed denial of the loan shortly after Obama took office and ignored the law in restructuring the loan to protect Kaiser’s private investment instead of the taxpayer funds.