Post Tagged with: "Sustainable Communities"

March 5, 2013 05:49

Sustainability Marxism

Sustainable development is really just a disguised Marxism, with its top down control of economic decisions, violation of private property rights and emphasis on Social Justice, a term, incidentally, coined by non- other than Karl Marx (so what was your first clue?).

September 28, 2012 04:55

Sustainable Freedom Lab (SFL)… Protecting Man’s Rights in a Changing World

To begin this new fight to stop Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development, SFL will host a series of monthly Internet television shows which will teach new methods and supply new tools for activists across the nation.

September 6, 2012 08:11

Agenda 21: How Is It Affecting You?

Reduced property rights, higher gas prices, food restrictions, population control, central control of your life is the goal of Agenda 21 and it is happening now in your country, city and neighborhood.

May 15, 2012 04:32

Convenient Lies and Governance of the Earth

These 33 social scientists do not want to stop just at transfer of wealth, destroying the middle class, erasing national boundaries, and neutering national governments, they want to “change the behavior of citizens,” and re-orient “the private sector toward a green economy.”

August 15, 2011 07:23

UN Agenda 21 Marches on in America with the USDA-EPA Partnership

UN third world nations planners devised Agenda 21 on three suspect principles: Equity, Economy, and Environment, all controlled by government because “individual rights must take a back seat to the collective.”

August 3, 2011 05:56

U.N.‘s Agenda 21’s `Walkability’

When are Americans going to wake up that ignorant or purposefully Marxist state and local representatives paid by the United Nations umbrella of Agenda 21 are going to “fundamentally change America” and the way we live without Congressional approval, without our approval?

June 29, 2011 09:51

Dems propose new school propaganda bill

No Child Left Inside is an environmentalist legislative effort being pushed at the national and state levels to have pro environment, pro global warming and pro smart growth propaganda as a part of k-12 interdisciplinary education.

June 16, 2011 06:21

Is “sustainable” code word for wealth redistribution and centralized control?

UN Agenda 21 has the goal of wealth redistribution and central planning of your life under the guise of “saving the planet.” Many communities have adopted these guidelines without a thorough review by their citizens.

June 15, 2011 05:44

Agenda 21 and Obama’s Rural Council?

Would Americans willingly give up their land and homes with or without compensation in exchange for a move to a densely populated high-rise, with no parking garages, no access to cars, like rats fenced in a grey concrete maze?

May 31, 2011 06:22

Green Policies a Substitute For Anti-Capitalist, Anti-American Ideas

Anti-capitalism is the real thrust behind the green movement and this “new economy” movement is just the latest vehicle for those creaking, failed communist-based ideas.