Post Tagged with: "Terrorism"

August 26, 2013 05:02

Syria Warns U.S.: “there will be chaos and fire that burns the entire Middle East”

So the Nobel peace prize winner wants to start another war with possible global implications? The U.S. is broke. How does this get paid for? Or is Obama just trying to get gas to $7 a gallon like Europe as his energy secretary Chu said we needed? Or is this a way to get all the Obama scandals off the front pages and out of the short memory of the American people?

August 12, 2013 05:20

Big Money Buys Access for Terrorist TV

Big money has trumped homeland security.

July 24, 2013 04:02

Weather Underground’s Victory Over America: Obama

Ironically, the re-education camps that the Weather Underground had predicted for a communist America were becoming a reality, in the form of colleges and universities, where Ayers and Dohrn both had gotten jobs. They moved from terrorism to “education.”

July 3, 2013 06:40

Obama’s war of ideas are all wrong

For Obama it doesn’t matter whether the policy is harmful to US national security. It doesn’t matter if the Brotherhood slaughters Christians and Shi’ites and persecutes women and girls. It doesn’t matter if the Brotherhood’s governing incompetence transforms Egypt – and Tunisia, and Libya and etc., into hell on earth. As far as Obama is concerned, as long as he is true to his idea, his foreign policy is a success.

June 18, 2013 04:39

Palin: Palmer “put the BS in CBS” comparing Teaparty to Iranian radicals

Sarah Palin blasted far left CBS reporter Elizabeth Palmer for comparing the Tea Party to the killer Iranian regime. “She puts the BS in CBS.” – Jim Hoft

June 10, 2013 06:17

Secretary of Gay Pride? Kerry Pushes Agenda Globally

Are these stories related? “Karzai: US Must ‘Explain’ to Muslims Why Radicalism Is Growing Amid War on Terror” and “Kerry: ‘In Africa, Asia, Europe, and Americas, Our Diplomats Are Assisting Local LGBT Organizations'” –

June 7, 2013 07:48


Leaders of groups identified by the federal government as fronts for the Muslim Brotherhood are given top seating for presidential speeches and are welcomed into the Oval Office to offer their advice prior to presidential trips to the Middle East.

June 4, 2013 05:34

Obama/Holder Justice Department Threatens Free Speech, Punish Criticism of Islam

U.S. attorney Killian has generated outrage by vowing to use federal civil rights laws to punish those making critical comments about Islam.

May 23, 2013 06:18

Homeland Security guidelines advise deference to pro-Shariah Muslim supremacists

Napolitano has shown a keen interest in monitoring and warning about outspoken conservatives, [but] takes a very different approach in monitoring political Islamists

May 14, 2013 05:35

Blood on Their Collective’s Hands

The serpent is still underneath. And sometimes it comes to the surface, asking what difference it makes it four people died here or fifteen hundred people died there. It’s been Benghazi I and Benghazi II and eventually Benghazi III and it’s time to to discussing some offensive thing about the reproductive process that a Republican in Iowa or Idaho said.