Post Tagged with: "terrorists"

May 14, 2013 05:35

Blood on Their Collective’s Hands

The serpent is still underneath. And sometimes it comes to the surface, asking what difference it makes it four people died here or fifteen hundred people died there. It’s been Benghazi I and Benghazi II and eventually Benghazi III and it’s time to to discussing some offensive thing about the reproductive process that a Republican in Iowa or Idaho said.

May 7, 2013 06:31

“What difference does it make?” – That Obama & Hillary Lied, Americans Died?

Obama called the attacks “bumps in the road.” Hillary asked “What difference does it make?” The leaders of the party of (D)eath feel that they are more important than any individuals; that the collective good that they support is more important than events; that the ends justifies the means no matter how mean.

May 2, 2013 06:30

Obama, Kerry Stonewall in Bengahzi Coverup

Lawyer for officials seeking to provide evidence for the investigation into the attack on the US consulate in Benghazi 9-11-2012, says that both President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry are aware that the State Department is threatening and obstructing the investigation. – PJTV

April 29, 2013 10:25

There Is a Motive for Terror and Islam Is Its Name

It is the dark thing at the end of every investigation that politicians don’t want to talk about, reporters don’t want to write about and prosecutors grow reluctant to discuss for fear of offending judges and stifling career prospects.

April 24, 2013 07:29

Obama Protects and Arms Islamic Terrorism

Kruathammer points out how Obama won’t use the words jihad or Islamists. The Obama administration has many ties to terrorist front groups and the Muslim Brotherhood which is the sworn enemy of America.

April 24, 2013 05:24

Bomber’s Mother Doesn’t Care Sons Sacrificed – When will we understand it’s Islam?

The Boston bomber’s mother tells the world “Allah akbar!” She doesn’t care that her son was killed or that her other son may die. This is the mindset. This is what the west finds incomprehensible. America is committing national suicide. – H/T Jim Hoft

April 23, 2013 06:35

Boston Bombs Highlight Threat From Al Jazeera in America

Do we want to increase the dangers of more Boston massacre-type bombings in America by letting “Al Jazeera America” establish “news bureaus” in Detroit and 11 other American cities?

April 17, 2013 05:33

Bringing Down America: Former Domestic Terrorists Now Teach, Practice Law and Push the Same Old Leftist Agenda

[Y]oung anarchists were plotting the upending of America. [] They are currently ensconced in some of the most powerful positions in academia and political life. – American Thinker

April 11, 2013 08:39

Time to End the Benghazi Coverup

“I have seen men take great risks to save a fellow warrior. I have even seen men die trying to do so. The lack of accountability regarding the Benghazi event disturbs me greatly and bears the earmarks of a cover up.”

March 18, 2013 06:30

Ann Coulter @ CPAC

Coulter humorously analyzes liberal speak, translates Obamaspeak and continues to mock libs in general as only she can.