Post Tagged with: "wind farms"

December 13, 2012 08:04

Blowhards & Coruptocrats Blowin’ (your money) in the Wind Tax Credits

With the help of political cronies in high places, on both sides of the aisle, the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) has attempted, and failed, to push the PTC through in various bills: not once, not twice, but five times in a little over a year.

August 29, 2012 05:33

Germany’s failed “renewable” energy policy

How futile and ultimately harmful the quest for hydrocarbon-free “green” energy actually is – and how hypocritical Al Gore, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and other eco activists are, when they tell the rest of the world how to live.

May 9, 2012 17:23

Time to terminate Big Wind subsidies

Politicians take billions from taxpayers, ratepayers and profitable businesses, to provide subsidies to Big Wind companies, who buy mostly Made Somewhere Else turbines – and then contribute millions to the politicians’ reelection campaigns, to keep the incestuous cycle going.

September 2, 2011 06:45

Our least sustainable energy option

From a land use, economic, environmental or raw materials perspective, wind is unsustainable

December 31, 2010 16:45

‘Green’ Scotland relying on French nuclear power

SCOTLAND’S wind farms are unable to cope with the freezing weather conditions – grinding to a halt at a time when electricity demand is at a peak, forcing the country to rely on power generated by French nuclear plants.

October 9, 2010 08:03

High and Hidden Costs: There is Nothing Free about the Wind

An island off the coast of Maine, suddenly became loud and unbearable when utilities operating three new wind turbines flipped the switch to “on.”

April 5, 2010 18:22

Environmentalists fighting wind farm in Cape Cod -not in MY back yard!

Environmentalists, Native American tribes, fishermen and historic preservationists are among those fighting the plan, which has the support of Mass. Gov. Deval Patrick, who wants to expand the state’s “clean energy” industry.