$500 MILLION Redistributive ‘green jobs’ Funding -Another Waste of Tax Dollars
Even though so called ‘green jobs’ cause the loss of 2.2 regular jobs for every green job created, the Obama Department of Labor has doled out $190 million of $500 million to “Build and strengthen partnerships dedicated to building a skilled clean energy workforce” and “Develop new partnerships with other agencies receiving Recovery Act funds to support strategic planning and implementation efforts”. All government gobbledy gook for Democrat slush funds to buy votes. Take careful note of the vague language used for the purpose and use of the funds. The Department of Labor news release is reprinted below:
ETA News Release: [01/20/2010]
Contact Name: Mike Trupo or Lina Garcia
Phone Number: (202) 693-3414 or x4661
Release Number: 10-0078-NAT
US Department of Labor announces nearly $190 million in State Energy Sector Partnership and Training Grants for green jobs
Department’s 2010 investment in green jobs edges toward $440 million mark in 3 weeks
WASHINGTON — Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis today announced nearly $190 million in green jobs training grants, as authorized by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act). The State Energy Sector Partnership and Training Grants are designed to teach workers the skills required in emerging industries, including energy efficiency and renewable energy. This set of green grants is the third awarded in as many weeks by the U.S. Department of Labor. Less than a month into 2010, the department’s investment in this growing area of the job marketplace is close to the $440 million mark.
“These grants will help workers gain access to good jobs, while supporting the sort of statewide energy efficiency strategies that play a crucial role in building the green economy of the 21st century,” said Secretary Solis.
Thirty-four awards ranging from approximately $2 million to $6 million each are being made to state workforce investment boards in partnership with their state workforce agencies, local workforce investment boards or regional consortia of boards, and One-Stop Career Center delivery systems. Through the grant awards announced today, program participants will receive the technical and occupational skills necessary to obtain industry recognized credentials.
These grants are designed to achieve the following goals:
- Create an integrated system of education, training and supportive services that promotes skill attainment and career pathway development for low-income, low- skilled workers leading to employment in green industries.
- Support states in implementing a statewide energy sector strategy including governors’ overall workforce visions, state energy policies and training activities that lead to employment in targeted industry sectors.
- Build and strengthen partnerships dedicated to building a skilled clean energy workforce.
- Develop new partnerships with other agencies receiving Recovery Act funds to support strategic planning and implementation efforts.
Today’s grants are part of a larger Recovery Act initiative — totaling $500 million — to fund workforce development projects that promote economic growth by preparing workers for careers in the energy efficiency industries. For a full listing of the grants and project descriptions, visit http://www.doleta.gov/pdf/SESP_Summaries.pdf. To view a video by Secretary Solis, visit http://www.dol.gov/dol/media/webcast/energysector/.
To find out more about job training opportunities available through the Department of Labor, call the National Contact Center’s toll-free helpline at: 866-4-USA-DOL (487-2365) or TTY 877-889-5627.
- Read this news release en Español.
Editor’s Note: Charts reflecting the grantees announced today is below. Grantees will serve entire states. Approximately $25 million of the total funds available through these grants is reserved to serve the auto-impacted counties listed.
State Energy Sector Partnership and Training Grants
Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs (ADECA) | Alabama | Montgomery, Tuscaloosa, Lowndes, Butler, Madison, Limestone and Marshall | $6,000,000 | Veterans, at-risk youth, ex-offenders, dislocated workers, incumbent workers, low-income workers and disadvantaged individuals |
Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development | Alaska | N/A | $3,600,000 | Minorities, recipients of public assistance, veterans, people with disabilities, low-income individuals, unemployed and underemployed individuals, dislocated workers, out-of-school youth and incumbent workers |
Arizona Department of Economic Security | Arizona | N/A | $5,000,000 | Dislocated workers, underemployed workers, veterans, incumbent workers, at-risk youth, individuals with criminal records and individuals with disabilities |
Arkansas Workforce Investment Board/Department of Workforce Services | Arkansas | Cleburne, Desha, Greene and Logan | $4,866,479 | High school dropouts, offenders, unemployed workers, and other disadvantaged, at-risk individuals |
State of California Employment Development Department | California | Alameda and Los Angeles | $6,000,000 | Dislocated workers, veterans, unemployed and underemployed workers, low-income youth and adults, new workforce entrants, individuals with disabilities and individuals with criminal records |
Colorado Department of Labor and Employment | Colorado | N/A | $5,998,050 | Older workers, dislocated workers, incumbent workers, veterans, women, individuals with disabilities, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) recipients, dislocated workers and ex-offenders |
Connecticut Employment and Training Commission | Connecticut | N/A | $3,360, 000 | Incumbent workers, unemployed workers, veterans, at-risk youth, ex-offenders, underrepresented ethnic minorities and recent immigrants |
Hawaii Department of Labor and Industrial Relations | Hawaii | N/A | $6,000,000 | Incumbent workers, low-income/low-skilled individuals, disadvantaged persons with limited English proficiency, people with disabilities and veterans |
Idaho Department of Labor | Idaho | N/A | $5,991,184 | Veterans, dislocated workers, low-skill adults and youth, and other targeted populations |
Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity | Illinois | Boone, Cook and McLean | $6,000,000 | Low-skilled individuals, new labor market entrants, dislocated workers, incumbent workers, underemployed individuals, veterans, minority contractors, disadvantaged adults and youth, individuals with disabilities and individuals with criminal records |
Indiana Department of Workforce Development | Indiana | 45 counties – for a list, see http://www.doleta.gov/grants/pdf/Amend-01-SGA-DFA-PY-08-20.pdf | $6,000,000 | Incumbent and dislocated workers, unemployed workers, adults with barrier to employment, and out-of-school youth |
Iowa Workforce Development | Iowa | Cass, Chickasaw, Fremont, Howard, Iowa, Louisa, Plymouth, Poweshiek, Union and Wright | $5,997,000 | Dislocated workers, unemployed individuals and incumbent workers |
Kansas Department of Commerce | Kansas | Allen | $5,999, 890 | Dislocated workers, incumbent workers, veterans, older youth, former prisoners and individuals seeking career pathways out of poverty |
Education and Workforce Development Cabinet | Kentucky | Cumberland, Fulton, Hopkins, Pulaski and Trigg | $4,740,457 | Dislocated workers, unemployed individuals, out-of-school youth and veterans |
Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation | Maryland | N/A | $5,793,183 | Incumbent and dislocated workers, veterans and reservists, low-wage workers and individuals with criminal records |
Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development | Massachusetts | N/A | $5,973,657 | Unemployed, underemployed and incumbent workers |
Michigan Department of Energy, Labor, & Economic Growth | Michigan | Midland, Saginaw, Genesee, Bay, Roscommon, Losco, Livingston, Monroe, Wayne, Clair, Macomb and Oakland | $5,819,999 | Dislocated workers and incumbent workers |
Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development | Minnesota | Clearwater and Ramsey | $6,000,000 | Unemployed workers, incumbent workers, individuals with limited English proficiency, low-income individuals, individuals with disabilities, individuals with criminal records, high school dropouts, youth, dislocated workers, veterans and minority populations |
Missouri Division of Workforce Development | Missouri | St. Louis County, St. Charles County, Lincoln County, Clay County and Randolph County | $6,000,000 | Veterans and active duty military personnel, incumbent workers and unemployed workers |
Nebraska Department of Labor | Nebraska | Dawson | $4,839,511 | Workers impacted by energy policy, incumbent workers, veterans, unemployed individuals, at-risk youth and individuals with criminal records |
Nevada Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation | Nevada | N/A | $6,000,000 | Dislocated workers, individuals with criminal records, individuals with disabilities, individuals who are homeless, veterans, former foster youth, young pregnant and single mothers, individuals receiving public assistance and other low-income individuals |
New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development | New Jersey | Middlesex and Union | $6,000,000 | Out-of school youth, adults with limited basic skills, individuals with criminal histories and individuals with disabilities |
New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions | New Mexico | N/A | $5,999,989 | Incumbent workers, unemployed workers, women, veterans, military spouses and high school dropouts |
North Carolina Department of Commerce, Division of Workforce Development | North Carolina | Scotland | $5,976,512 | Unemployed workers, military spouses, veterans, at-risk youth, individuals with criminal records, farmers, and migrant and seasonal workers |
State of Ohio | Ohio | 44 counties – for a list see http://www.doleta.gov/grants/pdf/Amend-01-SGA-DFA-PY-08-20.pdf | $6,000,000 | Dislocated workers, veterans, women, minorities and Appalachian residents |
State of Oklahoma | Oklahoma | Oklahoma and Marshall | $6,000,000 | Unemployed workers and incumbent workers |
State of Oregon | Oregon | N/A | $5,383,568 | Unemployed workers and incumbent workers |
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Labor & Industry | Pennsylvania | Allegheny and Tioga | $6,000,000 | Dislocated workers, youth and high school dropouts, individuals with disabilities, veterans and individuals with limited English proficiency |
South Dakota Department of Labor | South Dakota | N/A | $2,500,000 | Veterans, dislocated workers, unemployed individuals, and individuals with a criminal record |
Utah Department of Workforce Services | Utah | Box Elder | $4,600,000 | Dislocated workers, disadvantaged youth and veterans |
Washington State Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board | Washington | N/A | $5,973,635 | Dislocated workers, incumbent workers, at-risk youth, low-income adults, individuals with disabilities and veterans |
WorkForce West Virginia | West Virginia | Putnam | $6,000,000 | Veterans, unemployed workers and individuals with criminal records |
Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development | Wisconsin | Kenosha and Rock | $6,000,000 | Veterans, dislocated workers impacted by auto industry restructuring, individuals who are currently employed in the targeted trades and in need of updated green building or green manufacturing skills training, recipients of public assistance and other low-income individuals |
Wyoming Workforce Development Council | Wyoming | N/A | $4,495,704 | Unemployed individuals, tribal members, individuals with criminal records, veterans, at-risk youth and dislocated workers |
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