Honk Against The Health Care Takeover Rally!
via AFP
This week, the president actually said the nation is “waiting for [Washington] to act” on the health care issue. This is arrogance and political posturing at its worst. Like us, the president knows the truth. Every reputable public opinion poll for months has clear majorities of the American people saying “NO” to the health care “reform” coming out of Washington, D.C.
Now is the time to finish the job of protecting this most personal freedom by stopping the Democrats’ Washington takeover of our health care in the U.S. House of Representatives.
On March 16 at 12 noon your time, we’re asking you to drive to your nearest congressional district office and drive around honking your horn. Our goal is to have Americans across the nation telling the politicians to keep their hands off our health care through this “Honk Against the Health Care Takeover” effort.
To show people why you’re honking, when you register we’ll send you a “Honk Against the Health Care Takeover” bumper sticker. To receive the bumper sticker in time for the March 16th event, you need to register by 8am March 11th. Orders after will be mailed but might not get to you in time for the event.
Click here to find your representative’s local office that is nearest to you
Click here to sign up for a bumper sticker
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