Is political correctness killing us softly?
Despite a growing number of attacks on our troops here in the United States the media, and even military officials, are keeping quiet on the Islamic connections of the attackers. About a month after the deadly shooting at Fort Hood, Texas, Army Criminal Investigation Division launched an investigation of 5 soldiers at Fort Jackson, South Carolina for poisoning the base’s food supply which sickened at least 5 soldiers, possibly more. Five non-citizens, Muslim soldiers, in training as Arabic translators, were arrested during the investigation and were found to have had contact with 5 Washington, D.C. area Muslim terrorists arrested at the same time. Yet, news of this attack – along with June’s shooting, which killed a recruiter and injured a prospective inductee, outside a Little Rock, Arkansas recruiting center-were buried by the major media which is unwilling to discuss the Islamic connection of these attacks. Keith Davies, Executive Director of the Forum for Middle East Understanding and the Walid Shoebat Foundation has more on these incidents. Listen:
This is an audio interview with Concerned Women for America. Click here
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