It may well be that future historians will refer to his term as the short presidency– effectively brought to an end at his own initiative only fourteen months after it began. It remains up to us to make it so.
By J.R. Dunn at American Thinker
One major fantasy of American liberalism is the illusion that they get the last word. That the debate is over when they say it is. That their actions are irreversible, that their decisions and conclusions have both the firmness and the weight of the Ten Commandments, the Sermon on the Mount, and the Eightfold Way combined, and that nothing in the human universe can ever reverse them once made. We have heard this concerning abortion, concerning climate change, and now, concerning health-care “reform”.
This is exactly the way that Roe v. Wade was unveiled in 1973 — both Warren Burger and Harry Blackmun, the tag team that put that one over, declared that there would be no controversy whatsoever and that a tidy round of state lawmaking would tie up the final loose ends. The actual conflagration that greeted the decision, and which continues to this day, left them and the liberal elite they represented utterly dumfounded.
All this reveals a profound misunderstanding of human nature, an almost childlike conviction that what the book says goes, that the rules are sacrosanct, and that if you’re in a position to make those rules — as American liberals like to think they are — then the common people simply have to do things your way.
That’s how it’s supposed to work with ObamaCare. Now that Congress has spoken, and the law is on the books, we’re supposed to line up and silently take our orders. Forget the chicanery, the sleazy side deals, forget the simple lack of constitutional legitimacy of the thing. It’s on the books now, so we have to obey. So says seventy years of modern liberalism.
Needless to say, nothing of the sort is going to happen. This battle has only started.
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