The suicide mission for the Democrats
Nancy Pelosi, the dominatrix of the Democrats, boasts that she has the votes to prevail, but if she does, it’s a puzzle why she and the president keep putting off the vote.
Wesley Pruden editor emeritus of The Washington Times writes:
This is the week of decision, the ultimate showdown over Barack Obama’s government takeover of health care and a big piece of the American economy. It’s only the latest of a series of ultimate showdowns, but eventually one of them will live up to the hype. This could be the one?
Nancy Pelosi, the dominatrix of the Democrats, boasts that she has the votes to prevail, but if she does, it’s a puzzle why she and the president keep putting off the vote. If she has the votes, why did the president postpone leaving for Guam, Indonesia and Australia to stay here to deal with a few congressional arms that won’t stay twisted? It could be he needs more time to work on his apology to our Islamic friends in Indonesia, but if he’s having trouble with his teleprompter, surely he could find the tape of his earlier remarks in Cairo and recycle those.
The Democratic dilemma is far more serious than that. The president and the dominatrix don’t have the votes. Even the most slavishly loyal Democratic congressmen can’t decide whether to save the president or save themselves. Being human, they feel the instinct for self-preservation. This being Washington, the president’s plea to “do the right thing” rings hollow indeed. Why shouldn’t he “do the right thing” and dump his radical scheme and start over?
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