Chaplains fight ‘Don’t Ask’ repeal
Forty retired military chaplains are appealing to President Barack Obama and Defense Secretary Robert Gates to retain the Pentagon’s “don’t ask don’t tell’ ban on gays in the military.
Forty retired military chaplains are appealing to President Barack Obama and Defense Secretary Robert Gates to retain the Pentagon’s “don’t ask don’t tell’ ban on gays in the military.
The chaplains argue in a letter to the commander in chief and defense secretary, due to go out Wednesday, that allowing gays to serve openly in the military would discriminate against some Christian chaplains.
“We are deeply concerned that these changes would threaten the religious liberty of chaplains and service members,” the chaplains said in their letter, circulated Tuesday by the Family Research Council and the Alliance Defense Fund.
A change in the military policy would force chaplains into a moral conundrum, they said, “whether they are to obey God or to obey men.”
They also cite the recent dis-invitation of Family Research Council President Tony Perkins from an Air Force prayer meeting as evidence that a crackdown on those who oppose repealing “don’t ask don’t tell” is already under way.
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