Election 2010: Nevada Senate – Reid slip slidin’ awaaay
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid attracts just 39% to 42% of the Nevada vote when matched against three Republican opponents. Two of his potential opponents now top the 50% level of support.
Rasmussen Reports
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey in the state also shows that 62% of Nevada’s voters support repealing the recently passed health care law. That’s a bit higher than support for repeal nationally.
Fifty-seven percent (57%) in Nevada say the new law will be bad for the country.
The new numbers show Reid trailing ex-GOP Chairman Sue Lowden 54% to 39%. Only four percent (4%) would prefer some other candidate while two percent (2%) are not sure.
Former Assemblywoman Sharron Angle has increased her lead over the Democrat this month and is now ahead 51% to 40%. Six percent (6%) would opt for another candidate and only two percent (2%) are undecided between the two.
Reid now runs a little closer with businessman Danny Tarkanian, trailing the Republican 49% to 42%. Six percent (6%) would vote for another candidate in this race and only two percent (2%) are not sure.
Broadly speaking, the numbers continue to show what they showed in early March and have shown consistently for months—that Reid is an at-risk incumbent.
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