Hating the Middleclass
The Liberals hate the middleclass. There I said it, and I am glad. Once again I am a truth teller, in this case speaking Truth to Stone Heads. So certain am I of the truth of my asseveration that I honestly doubt any Liberal will take issue with me.
By R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr. at American Spectator
WASHINGTON — The Liberals hate the middleclass. There I said it, and I am glad. Once again I am a truth teller, in this case speaking Truth to Stone Heads. So certain am I of the truth of my asseveration that I honestly doubt any Liberal will take issue with me. Can you imagine a Liberal coming forward and saying: “Wrong Tyrrell! I love the middleclass.” Well, I guess I can imagine it because Liberals are effortless liars. Yet what specifically about the middleclass might the Liberals adduce to demonstrate their affection? The middleclass’s Sobriety? Hard Work? Love of Country? Love of Liberty?
The Liberals’ contempt for the pulchritudinous Sarah Palin is obviously fired by their hatred of the middleclass. She has said nothing that many ordinary Americans have not said privately, though she does it with charm. I was particularly charmed by her playful taunt directed toward the Prophet Obama at the National Tea Party Convention in Nashville in February where she said: “How’s that hopey, changey stuff working out for ya?” At the time his polling figures were low, not as low as they fell later but low, and not much was “working” for him. Things have not improved.
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