Pentagon Widens Christian Ban; Graham Says It’s Anti-Religion
“This decision is further evidence that the leadership of our nation’s military has been impaired by the politically correct culture being advanced by this administration,” Perkins said. “Under this Administration’s watch we are seeing the First Amendment, designed to protect the religious exercise of Americans, retooled into a sword to sever America’s ties with orthodox Christianity.
“For those Christian leaders who have avoided the controversy of political issues, saying they just wanted to preach the gospel — this should be a wake-up call!” he stated.
By: David A. Patten at
The entire National Day of Prayer task force, including the Rev. Franklin Graham, has been “disinvited” to the National Day of Prayer observance to be held at the Pentagon, sources tell Newsmax.
And evangelist Franklin Graham believes the military’s effort to ban him and other Christian leaders is nothing short of an effort to stamp out Christianity from the military.
The Pentagon’s decision to disinvite not only Graham, but also the National Day of Prayer task force led by author Shirley Dobson, the wife of influential Focus on the Family founder Dr. James C. Dobson, suggests the Pentagon’s rejection of Christian leaders is much broader than previously recognized.
On Monday, evangelist Pat Robertson, the 700 Club founder, came to Franklin Graham’s defense on his program, calling him “very courageous.”
“You know,” Robertson told viewers, “I met with his father some time ago and commented on the fact that I agreed with Franklin. And Billy said, ‘Well look, I’m an evangelist. I don’t want to get anybody upset, and attack anybody.’ What Franklin said was that the Islam as practiced was evil. Boy, that started a firestorm. He stuck by his guns, and he’s courageous, but he was disinvited to speak at the Pentagon service, which I don’t think was a good thing.”
The son of the world-renowned evangelist and counselor to presidents told CBN, “They disinvited, is my understanding, the National Day of Prayer.”
A well-placed source at the National Day of Prayer task force confirmed Monday evening that it too has been excluded from the Pentagon event.
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