Strong new GOP contender in ‘dump’ Reid campaign
Picture this, a 40 year old guy who rides motocross on the weekends with his kids, loves rock music, hangs out with the Romney sons, speaks fluent Spanish, votes as a rock solid conservative in the Nevada Legislature and is now running for the US Senate to take on Harry Reid. Meet the future of the Republican Party.
by Ron Futrell at Big Government
For years the Republican Party has said it needs to change, become more “real”, more “hip”—while sticking strong to its solid conservative roots. If Republicans want that change to happen, they need to find the right candidates to make it happen.
The US Senate race in Nevada has found such a candidate. Chad Christensen. For 8 years Chad has served in the Nevada State Legislature and he has a voting record that is as conservative as it gets. If you haven’t heard of Chad it’s because he entered this race after he saw that the other candidates either had no record to speak of, didn’t win elections, or they just were not connecting with Nevada voters. There’s something to be said for a fresh face in this race.
Oh, and he drives a truck. A “Dump Reid, Vote Chad Dump Truck.”
This past weekend Christensen drove the truck through rural Nevada connecting with voters. On Sunday I traveled with him as he took it to a motocross race in Northern Nevada (land use is sort of a big deal in this state, and Chad is pushing this issue hard) and as you can imagine, it was a big hit. Harry Reid doesn’t quite cut it in these parts.
Chad says the Dump Reid Truck is a “work truck” and he also calls it the “people’s truck,” and he allows Nevadan’s to step up and sign the panels on the side and work together to “dump Reid.”
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