The War to ENDA All Wars
Essentially, Congress would be establishing a caste system, where the “rights” of homosexuals trump the First Freedoms of any employer. At the very least, it will force people out of business. At its worst, it will bully into silence every American who disagrees with homosexual behavior.
From Prayer and Action via Wallbuilders
Before the elections can put a kibosh on his lopsided agenda, the President is racing through his gay-friendly “to-do” list: stop enforcing the military ban on homosexuals (check), redefine marriage through the census form (check), grant spousal benefits to same-sex partners of federal workers (check), order hospital visitation rights for gays that already exist (check), cram government offices with influential homosexuals (check), and nominate gay-friendly justices to the bench (check). Considering how small his homosexual constituency actually is, President Obama has been a busy guy. Not busy enough, say gay activists. At a fundraiser for Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.), several hecklers interrupted his speech to demand more. “It’s time for equality for all Americans!” they yelled. Visibly frustrated, the President strayed from his script and said, “[W]e already hear you, all right?” And boy, do they. With the backing of this administration, Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) will soon have his shot at one of the homosexuals’ crown jewels: the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA). After 16 years of back-and-forth, ENDA’s chances for passage have never been better.
“We have an agreed-upon bill,” Rep. Frank told reporters. “We’re going to get the bill voted on this spring–what people really ought to focus on is helping us get the vote. I think that we’re pretty close, but it’s not a done deal.” As early as next week, the House Education and Labor Committee will start debating a bill that could do permanent damage to American liberty as we know it. Under this bill, the government will order businesses, including religious ones, to stuff their personal beliefs and hire gays and lesbians–even if the organization considers the lifestyle immoral. Essentially, Congress would be establishing a caste system, where the “rights” of homosexuals trump the First Freedoms of any employer. At the very least, it will force people out of business. At its worst, it will bully into silence every American who disagrees with homosexual behavior.
If that doesn’t frighten you, it should. ENDA builds the bridge to every last piece of the homosexual agenda, including marriage. With it, the Left can take a hacksaw to every God-given freedom established by the Constitution–including the ability to speak openly about your beliefs. When asked about a vote on the House floor, Rep. Frank said, “The Speaker has promised that.” The day that we’ve been anticipating is here. And to help you understand exactly what’s at stake, FRC just finished an important documentary that your church, family, and friends need to see. It takes you behind the scenes of communities where laws like ENDA already exist and exposes how destructive the legislation will be, particularly to the faith community. To see a sneak preview of “ENDA: The End of Religious Freedom in America ?” check out FRC’s new website for the trailer and join the hundreds of people who have already pre-ordered their copy! After you do, it is vitally important that you contact your representatives and urge them to hold the line on this bill. Meanwhile, Rep. Frank has promised, “We’re going to keep fighting until it’s all over.” Well, Congressman, that makes two of us.
Dems for Demeo?
Last Thursday’s ruling on the National Day of Prayer should be a wake-up call to every American about the clear and present danger of activist judges. In the next few days, the Senate will consider adding yet another one to the D.C. Superior Court: former prosecutor Marisa Demeo. Until very recently, Demeo’s nomination has been stalled–thanks in large part to Senate Republicans who have serious concerns about her position on illegal immigration. Others, like FRC , are incredibly disturbed after reading her 2004 comments about same-sex “marriage.” During her stint as regional counsel for the Mexican-American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF), Demeo called marriage protection amendments “legal discrimination.” In the statement, she talks about fighting for counterfeit marriage in Massachusetts , and then compares gays’ inability to “marry” to the war against sla very. Adding to the controversy, Demeo is on the record calling the Constitution “flawed,” and insisting that it “embodied the historical bias of its time.” If approved, Demeo would serve on the same court scheduled to decide the fate of the D.C. marriage initiative. How can the Senate afford to appoint someone to that bench with such an obvious disrespect for the Constitution and traditional marriage? They can’t. Call your Senators today and tell them to just say no on Demeo!
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