Catholic bishops pull away from civil-rights group ove Kagan’s abortion stance
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has withdrawn from the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights following the latter’s published support for Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan, who is pro-abortion.
Charlie Butts – OneNewsNow
The Catholic Advocate was the first to report on the bishops’ decision. Matt Smith, the Advocate‘s vice president, laments the direction of the Leadership Conference.
“Unfortunately in recent years, the Leadership Conference has strayed from the original intent and become more of an advocacy group for positions that contradict the teachings of the Catholic Church,” he states.
The Advocate has pointed it out twice, most recently in an article in February. Then last week the Leadership Conference came out in support of Supreme Court hopeful Elena Kagan, who is reportedly pro-abortion and in favor of same-sex “marriage.” Smith says the bishops pulled out of the Conference on moral grounds, but that in itself ought to send a message.
“I think [the Leadership Conference should] get back to their original founding of supporting the civil rights movement,” he advises, “and stop straying into this territory where they’re becoming an advocacy group that’s walking lock-step with the Obama-Pelosi agenda.”
Smith applauds the action, but says the bishops still have work to do. He encourages them to withdraw also from an organization that is providing grants to groups that promote abortion and acceptance of homosexuality.
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