President Obama Deeply Connected To Organizers Of Recent Angry Street Mob Actions
President Barack Obama and his administration, is shamefully deeply connected to the people and organizations that recently organized street mob protests, terrifying a teenage child in his own home, and storming bank buildings (violating how many Federal laws?) in a show of uncivil disobedience (intimidation).
by Andrew Marcus at Big Government
President Barack Obama and his administration, is shamefully deeply connected to the people and organizations that recently organized street mob protests, terrifying a teenage child in his own home, and storming bank buildings (violating how many Federal laws?) in a show of uncivil disobedience (intimidation).
Previous posts detail the intimate connections between the President, and “Showdown in America” protest organizers SEIU and National People’s Action (NPA)
Digging a little deeper reveals some additional disturbing connections between President Obama, and other organizers of these mob actions. These connections might be of interest to any reporters who claim the White House as their beat.
Another key organizing force behind the “Showdown in America” is a group called Americans For Financial Reform. This group is headed by former SDS radical and proud Alinsky protege, Heather Tobis Booth.
Heather Tobis Booth is the founder of a group called USAction.
USAction used to be called Citizen Action, until the illegal behavior of Rep. Jan Shakowsky’s husband, ex-con Bob Creamer (Obama Campaign Organizer), combined with the notorious “Teamstergate” scandal, forced the organization to collapse it’s national brand into a newly named entity. (This collapse and restructuring is the role model for ACORN’s transition today.)
In the video below, the president of USAction and Chair of Illinois Citizen Action, William McNary, openly glorifies and embraces a working relationship with the Communist Party of America (CPUSA).
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