Supreme Court To Face Mecca

May 13, 2010 05:06

The reason Democrats are obsessed with controlling the courts is that unelected judges issuing final edicts is the only way liberals can attain their insane policy agenda. No group of Americans outside of Nancy Pelosi’s district would vote for politicians who enacted laws similar to the phony “constitutional rights” liberal justices proclaim from the Supreme Court.

Ann Coulter at Human Events

Americans can thank the Supreme Court for the attempted car bombing of Times Square, as well as any future terrorist attacks that might be less “amateurish” and which our commander in chief will be unable to thwart unless the bomb fizzles.
Over blistering dissents by Justices Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas, John Roberts and Samuel Alito, five Supreme Court justices have repeatedly voted to treat jihadists like turnstile jumpers. (Thanks, Justice Kennedy!)
That’s worked so well that Obama’s own attorney general is now talking about making massive exceptions to the Miranda warnings — exceptions that will apply to all criminal suspects, by the way — in order to deal with terrorists having to be read their rights as a bomb is about to go off.
Let’s be clear: When Eric Holder thinks we’re being too easy on terrorists, we are being too easy on terrorists.
Either the five liberal justices demanding constitutional rights for terrorists are out of their minds, or the religious worship of President Franklin D. Roosevelt has got to stop. According to liberal logic in the war on terrorism, FDR was a bloodthirsty war criminal.


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