The Way to Block Kagan

May 12, 2010 06:12

Here is a six-point plan to stop Elena Kagan’s Supreme Court confirmation.

by  John Gizzi at Human Events

While many conservatives say the Democrats’ 59-to-41 advantage in the Senate guarantees confirmation of Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court, one of the most renowned experts on Senate rules and procedures says “not so.”

“Kagan can be stopped, but only if Republicans in the Senate are willing to go all the way to do this,” said New Hampshire attorney Mike Hammond, who served as general counsel to the Senate Republican Steering Committee from 1978-89.

“But that’s a big if,” Hammond said, recounting how the Senate Republican leadership did not use the parliamentary tools it had at its disposal and thus, “punted on the healthcare issue.”

Hammond, a recognized authority on the rules and by-laws of the Senate, was frequently sought out by prominent conservative senators such as the late Jesse Helms (R-N.C.) and Bill Armstrong (R.-Colo.) on how to use parliamentary procedure as a weapon on the Senate floor.

Hammond spelled out in detail to HUMAN EVENTS a six-point blueprint on how to stop Kagan:

1. Oppose Cloture on Anything—“The Way We Did in 1990”


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