White House Doesn’t Know if There’s Target Date for Sealing Border From Influx of Drugs
They know. The answer is there is no goal to seal the border from the influx of anything.
By Fred Lucas at CNSNews.com
Washington (CNSNews.com) –
A White House spokesman did not know if President Barack Obama has a target date for sealing the southern border from the influx of illegal drugs, but he did say that border security would be part of any immigration reform bill.
Obama expressed support for comprehensive immigration reform during a Cinco de Mayo event in the Rose Garden, and he also stressed the need for bipartisanship to pass such legislation. But neither the president nor other advocates have addressed the issue of drugs coming into the country in the context of immigration reform.
Almost one-in-five teens ages 12 through 17 have used illegal drugs in the past year, according to the National Drug Threat Assessment for 2010, published by the National Drug Intelligence Center, a division of the U.S. Justice Department.
The assessment also said that Mexican drug trafficking organizations (DTOs) are the predominant supplier of illegal drugs in the United States. “Law enforcement reporting and case initiation data show that Mexican DTOs control most of the wholesale cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine distribution in the United States, as well as much of the marijuana distribution,” it said.
CNSNews.com asked, “The National Drug Threat Assessment said one in five teens has used illicit drugs, predominantly brought across the border by Mexican DTOs. Would sealing the border from illicit from drugs be part of any comprehensive immigration reform?
White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said the administration’s plan for dealing with drugs would be released soon.
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