Algoraholic Senators demand climate hoax support be in any energy bill
Despite overwhelming evidence that shows that CO2 caused global warming is a hoax, that cap and trade will ruin the economy, do nothing for the climate and enrich big businesses, liberal Democrats in the Senate are threatening to vote against energy legislation if it does not address global climate change. Is someone paying them?
By Alexander Bolton at The Hill
After watching centrist Democrats and Republicans shrink the 2009 economic stimulus package, strip the public option from healthcare reform and slice a pending package of safety-net program extensions, liberal senators are reaching the limits of their patience.
They don’t want to watch leaders rip out what they consider the core element of energy reform and advertise the result as a comprehensive solution.
Yet it appears that is exactly what Senate Democratic leaders plan to do.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) plans to include provisions to address the Gulf oil spill and strengthen regulation of deepwater drilling to the energy legislation, but Reid on Thursday declined to commit to including climate change provisions in the bill.
Some of the strongest critics of offshore drilling within the Democratic Conference now warn they may not vote for it without a measure to require industry to pay for carbon pollution.
From the editors:
Top 20 recipients of environmental group funding in the House and Senate for the current election cycle through May 16, 2010:
In the House:
1 Perriello, Tom (D-VA) $33,394
2 Maffei, Dan (D-NY) $19,300
3 McNerney, Jerry (D-CA) $17,900
4 Hodes, Paul W (D-NH) $13,261
5 Markey, Betsy (D-CO) $11,900
6 Rahall, Nick (D-WV) $10,800
7 Murphy, Scott (D-NY) $9,650
8 Kratovil, Frank M Jr (D-MD) $9,500
9 Capps, Lois (D-CA) $7,950
10 Foster, Bill (D-IL) $7,550
11 Cassidy, Bill (R-LA) $7,200
12 Schauer, Mark (D-MI) $7,029
13 Chu, Judy (D-CA) $5,900
14 Driehaus, Steve (D-OH) $5,800
14 Holt, Rush (D-NJ) $5,800
16 Peters, Gary (D-MI) $5,579
17 Inslee, Jay R (D-WA) $5,400
18 Quigley, Mike (D-IL) $5,300
19 Heinrich, Martin (D-NM) $5,285
20 Farr, Sam (D-CA) $5,250
In the Senate:
1 Boxer, Barbara (D-CA) $50,744
2 Bennet, Michael F (D-CO) $28,629
3 Reid, Harry (D-NV) $24,461
4 Gillibrand, Kirsten (D-NY) $23,500
5 Schumer, Charles E (D-NY) $21,800
6 Murray, Patty (D-WA) $20,150
7 Feingold, Russ (D-WI) $14,900
8 Whitehouse, Sheldon (D-RI) $8,600
9 Leahy, Patrick (D-VT) $6,650
10 Mikulski, Barbara A (D-MD) $4,800
11 Merkley, Jeff (D-OR) $4,600
12 Rockefeller, Jay (D-WV) $2,400
13 Dodd, Chris (D-CT) $2,300
14 Udall, Mark (D-CO) $2,000
14 Reed, Jack (D-RI) $2,000
14 Webb, James (D-VA) $2,000
17 Sanders, Bernie (I-VT) $1,750
18 Warner, Mark (D-VA) $1,500
19 Thune, John (R-SD) $1,000
19 Dorgan, Byron L (D-ND) $1,000
19 Specter, Arlen (D-PA) $1,000
19 Pryor, Mark (D-AR) $1,000
19 Cantwell, Maria (D-WA) $1,000
19 McCaskill, Claire (D-MO) $1,000
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