Hamas official calls for shooting rockets from the West Bank

June 21, 2010 07:13

Senior Hamas official Mahmoud a-Zahar called for West Bank residents to fire rockets into Israel, Israel Radio reported Sunday. “There is no escaping from these rockets in the West Bank,” Zahar said to the east Jerusalem newspaper al-Quds. “Why should they only be in the Gaza Strip?”


He added that Hamas policy will not change no matter how long the blockade of Gaza continues, and whether or not Hamas will win the next elections in the West Bank.

In the past, Zahar has called accused those firing rockets of being “collaborators,” that are trying to torpedo Hamas-Israel negotiations. He was part the team working on a prisoner exchange deal to secure the release of captive IDF soldier Gilad Schalit, and accused the US for their failure when he quit the effort.

“The solution is resistance!” Zahar said in the al-Quds interview. “If I wanted to give up my rights, I would be in Washington now.” He also said that the Palestinian people have no interest in become attached to Egypt; rather, they want independence.

Zahar was critical of the Palestinian Authority, stating that the West Bank leadership is fighting against Palestinian “resistance” and is held in power by the occupation forces. He added that other Arab countries are no longer in contact with Hamas out of fear of Washington, and “to keep their heads.”

Zahar also called PA Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas “one big zero.”


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