Salazar’s Ban Is Soros’ Bonanza
Our interior secretary plans to reinstate the offshore drilling moratorium struck down by a federal judge. But if deep-water drilling is so unsafe, why are we helping Brazil drill nearly three times as deep? And what about those Obama – Podesta – BP – Podesta – Soros connections?
IBD Editorials
Maybe Secretary Ken Salazar can explain why Britain and others can safely drill in the North Sea and no other nation has suspended its offshore drilling. Yet there he was Tuesday saying he’ll reissue a reworded moratorium that will make it clear to dunces like U.S. District Judge Martin Feldman why offshore drilling is unsafe.
As with health care reform and other issues, the administration’s position is that we didn’t make it clear enough, so we will speak slower and use smaller words. But double talk is double talk no matter how you rearrange the words.
“The decision to impose a moratorium on deep-water drilling was and is the right decision,” Salazar said, even after he was caught rewording a report so a team of experts he assembled would look like they supported the moratorium, when in fact, they adamantly opposed it and thought it would do more harm than the Deepwater Horizon spill itself.
“If some drilling equipment parts are flawed, is it rational to say all are?” Feldman asked in his ruling. “Are all airplanes a danger because one was? All oil tankers like Exxon Valdez? All trains? All mines?
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