Supreme Court nominee Kagan and Sharia Law
Kagan remained silent when a Saudi donor put up $20 million dollars to establish a Center for Islamic Studies that cleared the way for the promotion of Sharia Law – a Muslim theology that many believe embraces repression and sexism.
American Center for Law & Justice
An appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court is for life. And, as the Senate Judiciary Committee prepares to hold confirmation hearings for nominee Elena Kagan, I want you to know that we’re working to provide members of the Senate with vital information about Kagan’s record.
As the confirmation hearings approach, there’s new questions surface about Kagan’s actions as Dean of Harvard Law School. As has been well reported, Kagan opposed the presence of U.S. military recruiters on campus – saying the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy discriminated against homosexuals. We’ve produced a legal memo outlining her actions with respect to that issue. It is posted here.
At the same time, though, Kagan remained silent when a Saudi donor put up $20 million dollars to establish a Center for Islamic Studies that cleared the way for the promotion of Sharia Law – a Muslim theology that many believe embraces repression and sexism.
Senator Jeff Sessions (R-Alabama), ranking member on the Senate Judiciary Committee, addressed this issue on the Senate floor in the past few days:
“She fought the ability of our own soldiers to access campus resources, but not those who spread the oppressive tenets of Islamic Sharia law,” Sessions said. “Perhaps her response was guided by campus politics. But Ms. Kagan lacks experience as a judge, as a lawyer, and as a scholar. Much of her career has been spent actively engaged in liberal politics – not legal practice.”
There are serious questions that need to be asked at the upcoming confirmation hearings. Questions about her role in banning the military and her silence to the promotion of Sharia Law on the Harvard campus. Questions about her judicial philosophy – how she views the Constitution – the rule of law.
We’ve produced an analysis on some of Kagan’s work and record in the past. That is posted here.
That’s why we’re demanding that members of the Senate Judiciary Committee ask the tough questions – and that Elena Kagan provide clear answers. Stand with us and add your name to our letter to the Judiciary Committee now.
This is a critical constitutional responsibility – the Senate providing advice and consent – on this Supreme Court nomination. We need tough, direct questions and clear, unwavering answers.
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