Five Rights the Left Doesn’t Want You to Have

July 5, 2010 06:11

The far left in this country, at any opportunity they can, stomp on our freedoms, or simply ignore them, for what they perceive to be the greater good: political correctness, social justice, environmental activism, diversity. They seek to quash our freedoms, while utilizing them for their own purposes.

by  Jason Rantz at Human Events

The far left in this country—politicians, talking heads, celebrities, faux-journalists—love to claim conservatives are stamping out American freedoms. Indeed, you still hear lefties claim President George W. Bush shredded the Constitution to spy on American citizens without warrants. You frequently hear concerns that Supreme Court Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas are practicing judicial activism and ignoring the law of the land. And you always hear complaints that talkers Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck are using “hate” speech to incite violence against non-believers.

The left loves the Constitution and freedom—but they only love it when they have the rights and can pick and choose who else gets to enjoy them. The far left in this country, at any opportunity they can, stomp on our freedoms, or simply ignore them, for what they perceive to be the greater good: political correctness, social justice, environmental activism, diversity. They seek to quash our freedoms, while utilizing them for their own purposes.

Here are five rights that the far left in America doesn’t want conservatives to have:


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