5 Ways the Incestuous Left is Pimping Your Kids for Cash and Votes
We’ve heard the stories: from the teacher complaining to NJ Governor Chris Christie, to reports of banned candy canes, to Planned Parenthood distributing condoms in elementary schools. It’s apparent there’s a connected, concerted effort by the Left to exploit our children. But what does a classroom full of kids have to offer liberals? Follow the money and the politics. The answer becomes clear. No Parents Required
by Sally Meininger at NewsRealBlog
We’ve heard the stories: from the teacher complaining to NJ Governor Chris Christie, to reports of banned candy canes, to Planned Parenthood distributing condoms in elementary schools. It’s apparent there’s a connected, concerted effort by the Left to exploit our children. But what does a classroom full of kids have to offer liberals?
Follow the money and the politics. The answer becomes clear.
No Parents Required
Parents have become superfluous. There’s school-sponsored daycare, before-school programs, after-school programs, food programs, even midnight basketball, all added to the six hours in the classroom. With households often needing two incomes to survive, parents can come to depend on the schools to help raise their children. How convenient that squeezed families coincide with the Left’s agenda.
Obama echoed this theme when he spoke for before the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, July 17, 2007.
The social contract in this country was made for a time when most women stayed at home with the kids. But even though this time is long passed, we still have social policies designed around the old model…As Justice Ginsberg said, “Ancient notions of women’s place in the family…We can update the social contract so that our kids can go to school earlier and stay longer.
Raising kids is hard and expensive. If someone else wants to lift the burden, we should be thankful, right? After all, they tell us it’s for the children.
But should we really trust the government?
Pensions Over Playgrounds
“I don’t represent the children. I represent the teachers.”
Al Shanker, former president of the American Federation of Teachers
FULL STORY at NewsRealBlog.com
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