‘Atlas Shrugged’: The CliffsNotes Today

August 18, 2010 13:43

What happened in Rand’s narrative is coming to pass today, with an anti-business administration reviling private industry and capitalizing on crisis to expand and redirect investment within and between sectors of the economy — setting quotas, prices and compensation.

From IBDeditorials


This shift of wealth from the productive private sector to the unproductive public sector is stickier today than it was in “Atlas Shrugged” because government is now a union shop, with pay having little to do with performance. Unionized government cannot be downsized easily, and its employees have effectively become the country’s most powerful entitlement special-interest group.

Thus, government-run schools controlled by the teachers unions can fail decade after decade without consequence or substantive reform. The government takeover of the health care industry — aka “ObamaCare” — was a high priority not because it was good for the majority of Americans, but because the ruling elite want to expand unionization, entitlement and dependency.


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