Black liberation theology, Marxism and the 2nd killing of Christ

September 2, 2010 04:01

I went to Chicago and visited Trinity myself, heard Jeremiah Wright, spent time in the church bookstore, and returned home with my own stack of Cone’s books. If only Mr. Rutten had done likewise, he might have wisely steered clear of the topic altogether. Instead, he has dug himself into a pit of theological quicksand.

Beck’s ‘Obsession’ with Black Liberation Theology Thoroughly Justified

By Kyle-Anne Shiver at American Thinker


‘First off, our esteemed Mr. Rutten makes the astonishing claim that there is no “evidence” that ties our current president to Black Liberation Theology. It’s an astonishing claim because the only theology to which Barack Obama has ever been exposed (outside the Muslim training of his youth) is indeed Black Liberation Theology.’

‘As Wright was never coy in his hate for “white oppressors” in America, neither is Wright’s mentor, James H. Cone.
Cone, writing in Black Theology and Black Power:

Whiteness, as revealed in the history of America, is the expression of what is wrong with man. It is a symbol of man’s depravity. God cannot be white, even though white churches have portrayed him as white (p. 150).

The coming of Christ means a denial of what we thought we were. It means destroying the white devil in us (p. 150).
Negro hatred of white people is not pathological — far from it.  It is a healthy human reaction to oppression, insult, and terror. White people are often surprised at the Negro’s hatred of them, but it should not be surprising (p. 14).

Cone, writing in God of the Oppressed:

Black people must be aware of the extreme dangers of speaking too lightly of reconciliation with whites. Just because we work with them and sometimes worship alongside them should be no reason to claim that they are truly Christian and thus part of our struggle (p. 222).

Cone, writing in Speaking the Truth:

Liberation is not simply a consequence of the experience of sanctification.  Rather, sanctification is liberation. To be sanctified is to be liberated — that is politically engaged in the struggle of freedom. When sanctification is defined a s a commitment to the historical struggle for political liberation, then it is possible to connect it with socialism and Marxism, the reconstruction of society on the basis of freedom and justice for all (p. 33).

And Cone, writing in A Black Theology of Liberation:

What need have we for a white Jesus when we are not white but black? If Jesus Christ is white and not black, he is an oppressor, and we must kill him. The appearance of black theology means that the black community is now ready to do something about the white Jesus, so that he cannot get in the way of our revolution (p. 111).


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