GOP likely to level corruption charges against Democrats

September 13, 2010 04:51

‘Several key ethics cases involving Democrats are poised to get a very public airing in the coming weeks, and new charges have surfaced over the summer recess.’

By: Susan Ferrechio at Washington Examiner


‘Embattled Democratic candidates will likely be fending off charges of corruption from Republicans this fall even as they defend policies polls show to be unpopular in the face of a sour economy.’

‘”I do think they have a problem here,” said Melanie Sloan, executive director of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington. “Having ethics hearings involving senior Democrats right before a close election is going to again put ethics in the spotlight. I think that can have an impact.”‘

‘”Pelosi’s swamp just got dirtier,” the House Republican campaign arm declared last month after Waters was charged in August with violating the House code of conduct for helping secure a loan for her husband’s bank.’


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