Rebranding the climate hoax
What’s a warmist to do? The climate con has lost steam. Record cold snaps, growing sea ice, fraudulent data, conflicts of interest, conspiracy to conceal the truth and a vast array of skeptical scientists have closed the door on warming as a viable threat and even called the whole theory into question. Editorial
What’s a warmist to do? The climate con has lost steam. Record cold snaps, growing sea ice, fraudulent data, conflicts of interest, conspiracy to conceal the truth and a vast array of skeptical scientists have closed the door on warming as a viable threat and even called the whole theory into question.
Its time to call in the experts. Experts in spin that is. Spin, that’s the modern polite term for propaganda. Its time for some good old fashioned propaganda.
First it was Harry Reid. The House has already passed a monstrous energy tax bill to help destroy the economy but they were able to get it done before all the facts on the climate hoax started coming to light. Even then it was a squeaker. Now Reid was faced with growing revelations of the bogus theory and legislators that realized how crushing the scheme would be to our economy. What to do?
Reid brings in a propagandist. He ‘brought in Drew Westen, an Emory University neuroscience professor, to explain the best messaging practices to about 30 Democratic Senate chiefs of staff and communications directors.’ –POLITICO
“Those words are not in my vocabulary. We’re going to work on pollution.” Harry Reid said of ‘cap and trade’. Is switching the language about the bill going to help? Expect to hear about ‘pollution’, ‘green jobs’ and most of all the oil spill which won’t have anything to do with the bill. Kerry and Lieberman had already tried ‘American Power Act’ but expect something with ‘pollution’ or ‘clean air‘ in the name.
Now its Obama’s science czar John Holdren who wants to do away with the name ‘global warming’. In an article from ‘Obama’s Science Adviser: Don’t Call it ‘Global Warming” they show (with video proof) Holdren wants to re-spin warming too:
“”I think one of the failures of the scientific community was in embracing the term ‘global warming’. Global warming is in fact a dangerous misnomer.” And in a speech last week in Norway, echoing remarks he made at a 2007 speech at Harvard University, Holdren said the term “global climate disruption” should be used instead of “global warming.”‘
In another article from ‘White House Science Czar Says He Would Use ‘Free Market’ to ‘De-Develop the United States’ they show from a video interview Holdren’s real goal of ‘de-developing’ the US and how he believes we should lower our standard of living:
‘In a video interview this week, White House Office of Science and Technology Director John P. Holdren told that he would use the “free market economy” to implement the “massive campaign” he advocated along with Population Bomb author Paul Ehrlich to “de-develop the United States.”
In his role as President Barack Obama’s top science and technology adviser, Holdren deals with issues ranging from global warming to health care.’
(Read all about Holdren’s bizarre ideas at including mass sterilization and forced abortion at Discover the and in The Washington Examiner)
The real message about the ‘energy bill’ no matter what it is called is a simple as Obama’s pre-election statement that ‘ Under my plan electricity rates will necessarily skyrocket’. But get ready for the switcheroo. Harry Reid, John Holdren and other congressional schemers know the public won’t swallow the climate saving agenda as a reason to add $3 trillion in energy taxes so they’re going to change the ‘message’ not the bill.
Mike Whipple – Editor
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