Obama still intends to redistribute your green with his green agenda
It’s been said that a socialist thrown out the window will come back through the front door as an environmentalist. This reminds us of something we noticed in the president’s day-after concession speech.
IBD Editorials
“Cap-and-trade was just one way of skinning the cat,” he said at Tuesday’s news conference. “It was a means, not an end. I’m going to be looking for other means to address this problem.”
Unfortunately, Obama is still a believer, if not in man-made global warming, then in what he believes to be his right to meddle in private lives. If he can’t supervise the clingers, enemies and the rest of bitter America through cap-and-trade, he’ll settle for some other way to put limits on the masses. He suggested the EPA could beef up its police powers to rein in CO2 emissions.
Obama also implied that he could skin the cat through schemes that redistribute wealth into renewable energy programs. Though not as burdensome as a cap-and-trade law, government green energy initiatives tend to be black holes for taxpayers’ money.
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