2012 positioning? Romney says no deal on tax cut deal

December 14, 2010 07:49

Lining up with conservative opposition to the huge spending given away to make the deal, Romney says the grand compromise is only grand in its price tag.

Mitt Romney in USA Today


The future for taxes has been left up in the air. And uncertainty is not a friend of investment, growth and job creation.

With only a two-year extension, investors know that before their returns are realized, tax rates may be jacked up to the levels favored by President Obama. So while the tax deal will succeed in temporarily putting more money in the hands of consumers, it will fail to deliver its full potential for creating lasting growth.

But by refusing to lower the cost of hiring a new employee, he fails to encourage what the American people want even more than lower taxes — more good jobs.

The indisputable fact is that unemployment benefits, despite a web of regulations, actually serve to discourage some individuals from taking jobs, especially when the benefits extend across years.


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