One in seven scientists know colleagues who fake scientific findings
Seems there’s a whole lot of misconduct going on in the world of science. Rule breakers rule – everything from data fabrication to falsification, plagiarism to fraud to embezzlement is on the roster of rotten scientific behaviour. It’s a high-stakes game where pressure is frenzied to publish positive results.
JOANNE RICHARD, Special to QMI Agency via Toronto Sun
An investigation reports that one in seven scientists know colleagues who fake scientific findings, according the University of Edinburgh, while nearly half know of colleagues who engage in questionable practices. Only 2% of researchers polled own up to unethical misconduct – that number is probably higher, investigators report in the journal PLoS One.
An Acadia Institute survey states 50% of faculty and 43% of graduate students have “direct knowledge” of scientific wrongdoing, including fraud, falsification and plagiarism, in their labs.
Falsifying findings have put Dr. Andrew Wakefield into the hall of shame.
Check out other famous faked scientific results that have left careers in ruins and reputations destroyed:
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