Obama, Russia, and Trust

February 9, 2011 06:34

The reason the Kremlin thinks it can get away with this shocking new crackdown is clear: Barack Obama has led the Kremlin to believe the West is craven and rudderless and will not lift a finger to stop him.

By Kim Zigfeld at American Thinker


That lie was laid in its coffin last weekend when Luke Harding of UK’s The Guardian newspaper, one of the world’s leading Russia correspondents, was barred entry to the country because of his reporting.

Little wonder that the Kremlin has decided to purge itself of journalists who dare to the tell the truth.

If bad news isn’t reported, it doesn’t exist. Use exile, jail and murder to silence the reporters and opposition politicians, and you have no problem.

The results of the Obama presidency, of a president who believes in nothing but his own glorification, have been truly toxic both within American and outside it.

In one of the most stunning failures of his administration, Obama has been sternly rebuked by the results of international PR firm Edelman‘s most recent Trust Barometer survey.  After asking hundreds of “elite” business and social leaders, Edelman concluded that confidence in the American government had plummeted almost 15% (six points) from a year ago, and now stands far below the majority level at a woeful 40%.

Even more shocking, the level of trust in the government in the U.S. government is now only 1 point above the level of confidence expressed in the Russian government, in a regime documented to be one of the most arbitrary and corrupt on this planet, a regime that routinely imprisons (Mikhail Khodorkovsky), exiles (William Browder) and murders (Sergei Magnitsky) important business leaders with who it is not pleased.

What’s more, Edelman says that Obama’s toxic attitude towards business has rubbed off on society generally. Even as trust in government has eroded despite Obama’s pretensions to competence, trust in business has also plummeted because of Obama’s relentless assault on the basic values of capitalism, so that now Russia’s level of trust in business is a mere five points below the American level, which has fallen below a majority to 46% from 54% last year.


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