An anti-commerce commerce secretary? Only Obama could do this

June 2, 2011 20:02

If personnel is policy, there can be no better choice to help implement President Obama’s anti-growth energy policy and redistribution of wealth plans than his choice to be the next secretary of commerce, John Bryson.

IBD Editorials


The nominee for commerce secretary founded an anti-energy group and believes in redistribution of wealth to help poorer nations. At this rate, we’ll be one of them.

Bryson also spent time as an environmental lawyer and co-founder of the National Resources Defense Council, perhaps the most anti-energy, anti-growth progressive group on the planet. He has served as an adviser on energy and climate issues to U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon at a time when the U.N. was pushing anti-growth climate change treaties based on fraudulent and doctored data.

Bryson told a U.N. energy conference in 2009 that a global wealth-redistribution program was needed to keep poor people in developing countries from using their own forest resources.

Bryson told a University of California, Berkeley, audience in 2010 that a cap-and-trade system was a good way to hide a carbon tax but that he preferred a robust system of regulations to restrict older forms of energy such as fossil fuels and redirect energy production toward greener alternatives.

Bryson supports renewable energy mandates, a carbon tax hiding behind cap-and-trade legislation, a global redistribution of wealth, fighting climate change and restricting domestic development of our vast fossil fuel resources. He is President Obama’s ideal nominee.


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