The red (state) scare

September 16, 2011 10:05

If either Perry or Bachmann is the Republican nominee, the Obama campaign will likely pour part of its reported billion-dollar war chest into painting them as wild-eyed theocrats.

By Janie B. Cheaney at WORLD Magazine


Fast-forward to last month, when a widely circulated and much-commented-on New Yorker article by Ryan Lizza explored the religious influences on GOP presidential candidate Michele Bachmann. Lizza’s prose knotted with concern as he described the influence on the conservative Christian of the worldviews of Francis Schaeffer and Nancy Pearcey—both of whom, apparently, dared to believe that a Christian’s faith in Christ should affect every area of life and thought. That’s weird enough, but Lizza also finds a connection between Schaeffer and “dominionism”—the belief that Christians should rule the world. Or something like that. Supposedly Schaeffer advocated the violent overthrow of an ungodly government and had close ties with R.J. Rushdoony and Christian Reconstructionism, too. Should we be alarmed?

Less than a week after Lizza’s article appeared, The New Republic ran “Rick Perry: The God-Fearing, No-Nothing, Pistol-Packing Embodiment of Liberals’ Worst Nightmare,” by Walter Shapiro. Second on Shapiro’s list of reasons to be very afraid of Perry is “The God Card,” meaning the governor’s public embrace of “the living Christ” and “the salvation agenda.”

That same day, NPR’s Terry Gross interviewed Rachel Tabachnick, an expert on the New Apostolic Movement, about the “dominionist” overtones and code words embedded in the Aug. 6 prayer rally in Houston.


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